My friend Skip calls yesterday and tells my old lady Babish is going to drop a bike of at my pad, He's gonna pick it up tomorrow. I'm checking it out and realize its Irish Rich's old shovel. Skips gonna try and get it runnin for the guy this week for Born Free. I hope he pulls it off for the guy.
Wow, how about that? Different bars, and a 39mm front end.
ReplyDeleteI think the original '74 Shovel engine was replaced with a generator Shovel, now I see it has a S&S Shovel. Looks to still have the '79 tranny, I wonder what happened to the Wassell tank, and the aluminum primary I cut the starter stuff off of, and filled in?
That red, white, and yellow pinstriping was done by Mike Young, a pinstriper I've known for a long time, he's been striping for 51 years now.
Yeah, it would be cool if I could see that running again at Born Free. I'll be there. That would be something.....
I hope you got to see it. I had to go bury my Uncle and missed the show. Their was a brand new four speed sittin on the floor next to it. I think it was on its way in.