Saturday, July 31, 2010

Man leaving on a bike for a few days is good for the soul. Me and J.P. left apple valley and ran into some skinny guy on a FXR. You might recognize it. We rode together till Bishop where he stopped for the night. We stayed on till Bridgeport, If you get the chance stay the night, we had a lot of fun and had a pretty good hangover the next morn. Breakfast in Topaz and salty dogs for lunch in Virginia city, then off to North Tahoe for some brew and dinner. Thenext morning was off to Reno then south Tahoe for lunch and back to the casino for one dollar happy hour beer.
We split Tahoe for my Uncles in San Jose down Hwy 50. J.P. smoked his top end in Placerville and we had to load her up. He was about 700 in at that time and the shovel was really runnin great. figures. Anyhow Uncle Kevin had a ham, beer, whiskey and vodka waiting for us. The next morn I came into L.A. I rode the 91 anti chopper and never really new how far you can go without even a sore hand on a bagger. At least it got me pumped and I spent the next 3 days of vacation tinkering with shovel. life is good!!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Its been another long time since my last post and this ones nothing special, but its about 5:15 and I'm packing up to hit the road. Hopefully I'll get some pics for this thing. If not I scored a box of old Easyriders and Supercycle. Maybe I'll steal some shit from them. Anyhow hopefully see ya in 5 or 6 days.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Have a great 4th